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House N2 Home

Creating homes where people can thrive

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the         mission at House N2 Home.


There are so many ways to get involved at HouseN2Home

a few examples:

  • Organize donations at House N2 Home storage facility

  • Refurbish (sand, paint, fix) furniture donations

  • Pull items from storage for client move-in

  • Direct client interaction - interview client regarding needs

  • Design planning for client home 

  • Cook meal for client freezer (no nuts please)

  • Bake cookies for client move-in (no nuts please)

  • Thrift for items (nextdoor, craigslist, garage sales, etc)

  • Recruit volunteers/groups for move-in days

  • Assist move-in day (lifting required)

  • Assist move-in day (no lifting required)

  • Pick up donations (lifting required & truck/van is useful!)


We are delighted that you are considering volunteering with House N2 Home (HN2H)! 

We aspire to create a welcoming environment for our volunteers, our referring agencies, and the people

we serve.

We are all from different cultures and backgrounds. And, we would argue that together these diverse

experiences greatly contribute to the magic of what we do. Above all, we are here to serve, to take

donated (and occasionally purchased furniture and household goods to help furnish homes for people

moving out of homelessness. Our aim is to create homes where individuals and families can thrive,

striving as much as possible to select furnishings that reî…‡ect our client’s wishes, rather than our own.

That makes our interview and selection process, and our listening skills, critically important. Many of our

clients have not had a chance to express our own dreams and desires; some may feel uncertain or

overwhelmed. All of our focus, at every step, should be aimed at helping to restore dignity and choice to

our fellow humankind who have lived without a home.

Our greatest compliment comes when our clients tell us, “You heard me!”

We look forward to seeing you and hope that you will find HN2H to be a warm, welcoming and

meaningful volunteer experience.

House N2 Home Mission Statement

We believe that one step in restoring dignity to individuals and families who have endured homelessness

is to help them create a home that is functional, comfortable, and inviting. Using donated (and

occasionally purchased) furniture and household goods, our team helps convert a house or apartment

into a home, creang a space where individuals and families have the opportunity to thrive.

Our Core Values

We believe that every client is unique.

We believe that every client deserves a chance for a new beginning.

All clients deserve our very best effort to make their home special.

All clients deserve our respect and attention to detail.

We meet our clients where they are today without judging their past.

Our Statement of Inclusion

At HN2H, we are committed to providing an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome. We

seek volunteers with a heart for service, an openness to learning about the unique stresses faced by our

clients and a passion to help our clients and communities thrive. We seek to make our clients feel seen,

heard and respected.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity non-profit organization where no qualified person shall be

excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination on the basis

of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, disability, national origin, citizenship,

height, weight, genetic information, marital status, pregnancy, protected veteran status or any other

status protected by the law.

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